Prior to Ella's graduation, we were having computer problems. Our house computer was pretty old and has been limping along. A couple weeks ago the house computer started really acting up. So I let Scott struggle with the house computer and I moved to using Scott's (old) back-up laptop. Now I hate learning new computers. But the old laptop was fine and it didn't take that much effort to quickly learn how to download and find pictures, access my blog, work around its formatting, etc. In fact I did the last blog entry using the old old old laptop. Then the house computer completely froze up and bit the dust. Scott and I were sharing the old laptop. Scott's not big on sharing a computer. Within a few days the laptop crapped out too.
So Scott bought a new laptop for work, and he considers it his. Again, not big on sharing. And this new laptop has the new Windows 8. Windows 8 is a complete piece of shit and makes zero sense. As we had alot going on with Ella's end of the school year, graduation, parties, the hole in the sink, Ella's trip to Ziggy's, etc., I used this all for an excuse to not sit down and learn the computer or do any blogging.
So today's the day. Today's the day I figure it out how to use hateful laptop. And since 175 degrees outside, it's a good day to do it.
Since my last blog . . . Ella graduated. We sat with our dear friends the Crews, and the Thatchers whom we've known since our girls were in 1st grade. It was surreal watching Ella and her friends walk in with cap and gown and hearing their names called. I think I kept the sobbing to a minimum.
We'll remember it forever. :)
So we got through graduation. Then we had a gaggle of grade parties to attend. It's interesting to hear of the different paths and schools Ella and her friends are starting to choose.
We had the big hole in the sink fixed 2 days before Ella's graduation party, which was really really really fun. I asked Jenny to run around with my camera and take pictures of everyone. Which she did. And she did a super good job. Unfortunately all those pictures were lost during one of my trying to figure out the new laptop and download pictures sessions. Crap.
Ella and Carli took a trip to Carlsbad and stayed with the Zigrangs. Carli drove and Ella navigated. Four days at Zig-rala with the SD Zoo, Dodger game, beach days, shopping, visiting, and exploring on their itinerary.
While Ella was at Ziggy's, Scott and I had a weekend at the cabin. :)
And now we're here. And it's hot. Happy 4th of July. :)
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