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Saturday, August 18, 2012

School starts Monday

I LOVE the weekend before school starts.  To me that's the cue for summer to end and cooler weather to begin . . . although realistically, I know we probably have 2+ more months of hot.  But I know the worst is probably over and I'm feeling hopeful.  :)

Scott and I woke up this morning to overcast skies and sprinkles.  Bizarre for Death Valley.

I love crape myrtle.  Blooming crape myrtle is another cue to me.  Says we're in the middle of summer.  This crape myrtle has been a big disappointment since it was planted like 5 years (?) ago.  One thing Clovis does have is awesome crape myrtle. Gorgeous crape myrtle all over town.  But this guy . . . nothing.  Until the past week or so.  It's really sad for a 5 year old tree, but ITS BLOOMING!  Yippie!  (I can hear it sprinkling outside!)

I've totally been screwed on going to the cabin this summer.  I'm always willing to drop everything and go anytime, but Scott and Ella apparently have a life and always have stuff going on.  But the weekend before school starts is one of my favorite times to be home, so I don't mind quite so much today.

(OMG!!  Actual rain drops and full-on rain happening!!)

If I can't be at the cabin, stuff will get done around here!  Clean house and cars, BBQing chicken so I don't have to cook next week, laundry galore, we're going through all of Ella's clothes, painting a nightstand for her room, building a shelf thing for the front porch.  Lots of stuff to be ready for cool weather, and school, and school volleyball season . . . busy, busy, busy.  We're going to turn on the music and get going.  Starting with waking up Ella for a trip to the grocery store and Lowes.  She'll be thrilled!!

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